Friday, August 26, 2016

Tomorrow is a big day

     I'm having my first book signing of my first women's fiction book.  Up until this point, I've been a children's book author but decided several years ago to give this new genre a go.  "Giving it a go" really should be rephrased to "stop and go".  After numerous rewrites, and countless rejections by agents, my book was finally picked by a large publishing house (sans the agent route).  It's been a long haul, and I'm as excited as all get out - as they say here in the south.  There was another reason that this has been a "stop and go"  journey, other than rewrites and rejections, and that's because I couldn't even figure out what to write for a long time.  The drought finally broke though, and the creative juices flowed like a storm-fattened river.  However, I know all too well the frustrations when you feel creatively brain dead, and I blogged about it a couple of years ago.  Now, on the eve of my new book's debut, I'd like to re-share that blog.  I hope that it might give a little encouragement to those suffering from creative brain blockage.  The good news is that it will pass.  The bad news is that blockages return.  It's just part of the writing process.  And, yet, we writers wouldn't think of doing anything else, would we?  Somehow I feel that the letters S & M apply here.  So, without further adieu, here's my blog from that most frustrating writer's block time.  Happy reading, everyone.  And happy writing, too.

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